Terms & Conditions
Your commitment is the most important part… This program only works if YOU show up. By signing up you agree to take personal responsibility for your own outcomes. I will set the stage, the moon will set the rhythm, but only you can take the actions. There will be moments when you might feel afraid, angry, or discouraged. There will also be moments when you feel radiant love, light, and understanding pouring into and through you. Whatever you feel at any moment is valid. Like the moon pulling the tides, your expansion will ebb and flow. Growth is not linear. I will stand with you through this process and witness your truth with compassion, patience, courage, and understanding.
As part of the group you also have a responsibility to hold others in the same safe and encouraging connection you desire. Your non-judgemental participation is what deepens the experience for everyone. By witnessing others in their vulnerability you too will benefit and learn. Your presence has power. The sanctity and harmony of the group can only exist when we all hold our hearts open and practice in honest, graceful togetherness.